LIBERTY was started up
in the 1960’s
by the Marcori family.
At that time, the company,
heir of an important
tanning tradition,
began to develop
a process of application
of metallic foil to hides,
giving origin to what
today we call “laminati”.
Over the years,
LIBERTY has consolidated
and improved its
product in collaboration
with the most important
Italian and international
fashion brands.

I Our articles are
made from goat,
sheep and lamb
skins and bovine.
According to fashion
needs or cut,
we produce goat
skin (size 3/5 sq.ft,
thickness 0,7/0,9 mm),
sheep skin
(size 3/5 or 4/7 sq.ft,
thickness 0,7/0,9 mm),
lamb skin (size 3/5 sq.ft,
thickness 0,7/0,9 mm)
or halfcalf skin
(size 12/17 sq.ft,
thickness 1/1,1 mm).

Our company is located in
Santa Croce sull’Arno,
a tanning district where
the most important
brand-names can find
all types of beautiful,
elegant and luxury leather.
Research, flexibility
and quality…
these are the fundamental
dictates by which our
daily work is inspired.
This has become
our mission.

The challenge that fashion
imposes on us is
constant research.
The Liberty
production team collaborates
with major designers and
every season proposes
new articles which
anticipate the most important
themes of the new
fashion trends.

It takes competence, attention and passion to produce our particular articles. This is only possible thanks to the many people who make up our team. In fact our firm is made up of employees who daily express their professionality with the ultimate desire to add a “surplus value” which only the human factor can give. John Donne wrote, “No man is an island” and we feel this is true. We are strong as a team because each of us knows that his or her contribution is fundamental for the final outcome of our articles.
Our Certifications
Conceria Liberty Srl
Via del Fontino, 13/15
56029 Santa Croce sull’Arno PI – Italy
Tel.: +39 0571 366860 – 366861
Fax: +39 0571 32148
e-mail: info@libertytannery.it
Codice Fiscale , Partita Iva e Registro Imprese di Pisa 01626240509
Capitale Sociale Euro 100.000,00 I.V.